Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Eggs

Easter on Windsong Way, here in midcoast Maine, was a glorious Spring day. The sun shone bright and clear, with purple, yellow and white Crocus sparkling like newly laid eggs in the freshly raked garden beds. The first Daffodils opened in time for the lighting of the Easter candles at dinner, where we toasted Life and Spring and were thankful for our sliced spiral ham.

Olivia and Joey still sit in silence, and I fear that the eggs got too cold in the box I set up for them. The nesting material of shredded paper was so loose that the eggs were laying on the wooden floor of the box. We put pa per towels on the bottom, but it may have been too late. I'll wait another week and remove the eggs, so she can lay a second clutch. There will be steady supply of eggs from this healthy pair and Mother Nature knows best.

There is a sadness to report - we've lost our quiet, gentle Lucy bird. She became egg bound apparently and was not able to survive an impacted egg. Though her time with us was short, I will cherish the memory of training her to sit on my finger and her determination as she
made her way in the world with her crippled foot.

On a cherrier note, our friend Frank is visiting with his Cockatiels thru the holiday weekend, and his Mama bird laid an egg on Easter morning - a real, true Easter Egg! He gave them a little cardboard box, which has been chewed to shreds with a lovely new entrance thru the roof. Frank is now building them a wooden box while we wait for the shingle delivery, to fix our damaged roof.

We escaped the flood damage that other parts of the state recieved, but the wind damaged our roof and shredded the greenhouse plastic. We retacked and taped the greenhouse cover and I planted Pansy and Pepper seeds with P. (my 5 year old neighbor) yesterday.

My seed sowing will wait 'til after the New Moon on the 14th. For today, with the Moon in Capricorn, I'll concentrate on cleaning out the garden beds. It's an Earth sign and good time for creating structure. The 4th Quarter, which occurred this AM at 5:37, is a time for cleaning and banishing unwanted energies - perfect for weeding!

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